日本資助莫三比克興建魚市場日本國合會(JICA)依其主席Ryuchi Nasu與莫三比克代理外交部長Eduardo Koloma,於2月29日 在Maputo簽訂的備忘錄(MOU) ,同意提供1,160萬美元予莫三比克在Maputo沿岸的Triunfo附近興建新的魚租房子市場。預計於2013年開始營運的魚市場占地 兩公頃 ,可望容納販售魚、貝類水產品的攤位、製冰廠、加工及保存水產品的場地、辦公室,還有當前魚市場必備最夯的餐廳。Maputo市議會將與JICA合作負責該興建計畫。簽約儀式完新成屋成後,莫三比克代理外交部長K氏肯定JICA的資助有助於改善莫三比克漁業生產的管理及營運模式,及增添小型漁民生產的經濟效益。JICA主席N氏則表示,位於Triunfo 海灘的新市場地理位置極佳,可望提升漁民及鄰近商家的收益酒店兼職,該市場亦有助於促進沿岸地區的環境保護。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 6/2012,2 April 2012) JAPAN TO FINANCE NEW FISH MARKET The Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is to provide 租房子US$11.6 million for the construction of a new fish market in the neighbourhood of Triunfo, along the Maputo coast road. A memorandum of understanding to this effect was signed in Maputo on 29th 九份民宿February by the Deputy Foreign Minister Eduardo Koloma and the President of JICA, Ryuchi Nasu. The future market, covering an area of two hectares, will contain stalls for the sale of fish and 商務中心shellfish, an ice making plant, a unit for processing and conserving fisheries produce, and an administrative office - as well as an area for the restaurants that are one of the main attractions of the 澎湖民宿current fish market. Maputo City Council will be responsible for the project, in partnership with JICA. The new market should be operational in 2013. After the signing ceremony, Koloma said that the 帛琉grant from JICA will help improve the management and handling of Mozambican fisheries produce and will add value to the production of small scale fishermen. Nasu said that the location of the new 酒店經紀market, on the Triunfo beach, is attractive, and will increase the income of the fishermen and of other nearby traders.

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